Further on the article I posted in deception-list.blogspot.com Thank to the author Jeremy Likness, I found the good alternative for white table sugar - that is SucanatTM which contains sugar cane molasses.
Where to get it?
Carrefour and Unity Pharmarcy(Tanglin Mall)
SucanatTM (SUgar CAne NATural) is sugar in its most natural form extracted from the sugar cane syrup. Sucanat in another word is DEHYDRATED cane juice;
Organic Sugar and other crystallized sugars are EVAPORATED cane juice.
Raw cane stalks are crushed in a series of large roller mills, which squeezes the juice from the cane. The collected juice is then cleaned (with slaked lime which settles any unwanted organic materials) and thickened into syrup. The sugar cane syrup is then poured into a vat and hand-paddled to add air. The paddling causes the hot, thick syrup to release heat and start to dry. As it dries, porous granules form which retain 100% of the cane's molasses, a source of iron, calcium, potassium, B vitamins and chromium. (Sucanat is about 13% molasses.)
Sucanat dissolves quickly and adds a lovely rich flavor to everything from baked goods to a cup of tea or coffee. Sprinkle a few granules on your tongue. Can you feel the soft texture? Notice how quickly it dissolves into just wonderful flavor.
Source: http://www.wholesomesweeteners.com/SucanatandSugar.html
It is said to be alkalizing in the body which is supposed to help keep your body disease free.
Sucanat™ is a trademark held by Ragus Holdings, Inc. Other companies certainly manufacture similar products, but they generally do not label them as “Sucanat™” to avoid a copyright infringement lawsuit. The fact that Sucanat™ is trademarked can make it easier for consumers to identify the real thing;
Rapadura™ is another product made using the same process.
::::::: Source
- Sugar itself doesn't harm teeth, but it gives "acid making" germs the energy to grow. Even tiny amounts of sugar help them multiply.
- The more germs, the more acids in your mouth
- After a year of eating a few grams of xylitol each day, harmful germs can be reduced by as much as 90%
- Xylitol also protects teeth from acids.
- What is Xylitol? Xylitol, also called birch or wood sugar, is a five-carbon sugar alcohol used as a sugar substitute, especially for diabetics. Xylitol is a naturally occurring sweetener found in the fibers of many fruits and vegetables. Xylitol is roughly as sweet as sucrose and has a nice fresh aftertaste which makes it perfect for mints, gum and desserts.
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