Chew Your Juice
This is why you should eat meals without drinking liquids. When your food is thoroughly chewed, it becomes liquid by mixing in with your saliva.
Extracted from 3 Days Detox Diet
Trusted Bottled Water
'Health: What's in that Water Bottle Anyway?
Plastics and Human Health: What's in that Water Bottle Anyway?
be there a devil there is an Angel...
NSF International Announces First Company to Receive Both NSF Bottled Water Certification and SQF Certification
Write details at original Source
...how could we allow it to extinct because of 'human-acts'...
Lecithin Benefits
Smoothies Recipes
11/2 cup water (distilled water or purified is preferred)
2 cups Muscadine Grapes (with skin and seeds)
1/2 pint fresh blueberries
1/2 Fugi Apple with skin and seeds
2 T dried organic goji berrie
1/2 lime remove skin keep white fuzz and seeds
1/2 slice fresh ginger root
Put all these items in a 3 horsepower blender and blend. A 3 horsepower blender grinds the seeds and skin to its finest level. This is important for proper digestion. The strongest nutrients are in the seeds and skin.
Green Slime Smoothie (Spinach)
(Serves 2)
1 cup spinach
1 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 banana
1 tablespoon honey
1/4 cup ice
Place the spinach in the freezer until frozen, at least 1 hour.
1. Combine the spinach, strawberries, banana, honey, and ice in a blender. Blend until smooth. Serve immediately.
Kale and Banana Smoothie
(Serves 2)
2 banana
4 cups chopped kale 1 cup light unsweetened soy milk 2 tablespoons flax seeds 2 teaspoons maple syrup Place the banana, kale, soy milk, flax seeds, and maple syrup into a blender. Cover, and puree until smooth. Serve over ice.
Groovy Green Smoothie(Spinach Leaves)
(Serves 2)
1 banana, cut in chunks 1 cup grapes
1 (6 ounce) tub vanilla yogurt
1/2 apple, cored and chopped
1 1/2 cups fresh spinach leaves
Place the banana, grapes, yogurt, apple and spinach into a blender. Cover, and blend until smooth, stopping frequently to push down anything stuck to the sides. Pour into glasses and serve.
Diet and Blood Type
This link provided all the 'OK To Eat' and to be 'Avoid' food list according to your blood type and your race.
Following decades of on-going research and clinical work, Dr. D'Adamo created 'The Blood Type Diets', a way of eating and living that has transformed the health of millions. To the first science that understands you as a biochemical individual.
Avoid PANADOL - Try 100PLUS & Water
My husband is working in a hospital as an IT engineer and the hospital is planning to set up a database of its patients. And he knows some of the doctors quite well.
The doctors used to tell him that whenever they have a headache, they are not willing to take PANADOL (PARACETMOL). In fact, they will turn to Chinese Herbal Medicine or find other alternatives.
This is because Panadol is toxic to the body, and it harms the liver.
According to the doctors, Panadol will reside in the body for at least 5 years. And according to the doctors, there used to be an incident where an air stewardess consumes a lot of panadol during her menstrual as she needs to stand all the time. She's now in her early 30's, and she needs to wash her kidney (DIALYSIS) every month.
As said by the doctors that whenever we have a headache, that's because it is due to the electron/Ion imbalance in the brain.
As an alternative solution to cope with this matter, they suggest that we buy 1 or 2 cans o f isotonic drink (i.e. 100 PLUS), and mix it with drinking water according to a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 (simply, it means one cup 100 plus to one cup water, or to 2 cups water).
My husband and I have tried this on several occasions, and it seems to work well.
Another method will be to submerge your feet in a basin of warm water so that it brings the blood pressure down from your throbbing head.
As Panadol is a pain killer, the more Panadol you take, the lesser would be your threshold for pain (your endurance level for pain).
We all will fall ill as we age, for women, we would need to go through childbirth. Imagine that we have spent our entire life popping quite a substantial amount of Panadol (Pain Killer) when you need to have a surgery or operation, you will need a much more amount of ge neral anesthetic to numb your surgical pain than the average person who seldom or rarely takes Panadol.
If you have a very high intake of Panadol throughout your life (Migraine, Menstrual cramps) it is very likely that normal general anesthetic will have no effects on you as your body is pumped full with panadol and your body is so used to pain killer that you would need a much stronger pain killer, Morphine???
Dr Tom Wu - Natural Healing With Phytochemicals Diet
'Phytochemicals are natural cleansing agents that will help rid plaque from your arteries. They come from natural foods such as vegetables, fruits with their seeds, and common garden herbs. Phytochemicals will nourish the body's cells so they can fight against any foreign substances that invade your body.'
The last paragraph of this post listed the 8 keys principles to the Secret of Good Health by Dr Tom Wu.
Here, are some links found:
Dr Tom Wu strongly credits smoothies as his healing process.; for this you would need a 'three horse power' blender (eg. VitaMix Blender) to cleave out and free the natural phytochemicals locked into the fiber of fruits and vegetables.
Why do we need a 'three horse power' blender?:
A 3 horsepower blender grinds the seeds and skin to its finest level. This is important for proper digestion. The strongest nutrients are in the seeds and skin.
Dr Wu's principle is to strengthen the immune system, and avoid medication as much as possible. In his book, he offers the following guidelines to good health:

An Interview with Dr. Tom Wu N.M.D.
On Avocado
Dr. Tom Wu: Yes I do!. When I eat the avocado I always eat the seed. It is packed with very good nutrients. It has the life force. It is a very high Qi food! It’s also the highest in soluble fiber. This soluble fiber binds to the fat and excess cholesterol. Then we can lower cholesterol and improve heart function naturally. We can improve the blood circulation by pulling out all the fatty deposits in our circulatory system with the soluble fiber of the avocado seed. Soluble fiber is very difficult to get in our diet. Oatmeal has some, but it cannot compare with the avocado seed. Any heart disease patient must eat the avocado including the seed."
More Source
::::::: MUST READ!
Read Story on 'NATURAL HEALER': How Dr Wu rid himself of cancer with a vegetarian diet
By Anjura Assavanonda; Published By Bangkok Post MYLIFE: 7 May 2009::::::: MUST READ!
Dr Wu's secrets to good health
The human body has the power to heal itself. The immune system has a self-defence mechanism to block and destroy bacteria or viruses that invade our bodies, while the self-healing mechanism will get us back on the road to recovery. When you have a cold and take medicine, the medication may kill the virus but your immune system will not fully function, and its efficiency will decrease. As a result, your body will be more vulnerable to germs.
Dr Wu's principle is to strengthen the immune system, and avoid medication as much as possible. In his book, he offers the following guidelines to good health:
1. Have at least three bowel movements a day.
Other health experts may advise one bowel movement a day, but Dr Wu says that's not enough. You need three to four bowel movements a day in order to excrete all the accumulated faeces from your intestine. Your liver will not be overburdened and it also helps reduce cholesterol in your body.
2. Drink at least three glasses of fruit or vegetable smoothies each day.
This is a way to ingest enough phytochemicals to strengthen the body's cells and immune system. Use not only the flesh, but also the skin and seeds of fruits and vegetables to make smoothies, as they are rich in phytochemicals.
Most of the fruit seeds have small amounts of cyanide which kill bacteria and viruses without damaging the body.
Actually the recommended smoothie diet is six glasses a day, two in the morning, one before lunch, two more in the afternoon, and one more before dinner. However, if that's too much, you may start with three glasses a day. Use a high powered blender (at least three horsepower) as it can release phytochemicals from the fibre. It's best to choose sour fruits like green or red apples, grapes, pineapples, kiwi and lime.
3. Sunbathe 30 minutes daily.
We often hear that the Sun's UV rays will damage our skin, and many people apply sunblock before going out.
But Dr Wu says the opposite. He says the UV rays will help convert cholesterol underneath the skin into vitamin A which helps moisten the skin and prevent skin cancer, and also vitamin D that helps prevent colds, osteoporosis, and certain kinds of cancer.
"Therefore, use the Sun. Expose yourself to sunlight about one-half hour a day, at noon or another appropriate time based on your local climate. The Sun will make you healthier," says Dr Wu.
4. Exercise 30 minutes a day.
Don't exercise for more than 30 minutes. If you go beyond that, your body will be overworked.
"If you do it more than half an hour, that will become labour, not exercise. Your heart and your body will be working too hard," he says.
5. Shower with hot, then cold water.
Try an alternating cold and hot water shower: Three minutes of hot water followed by 30 seconds of cold water, then repeat twice more.
This process will bring a rush of blood and energy to your body. It helps increase your immune system, blood circulation, and metabolism.
6. Drink a lot of water, in the correct way.
How much water you need to drink each day depends on your specific situation. If your office is air-conditioned, drinking six glasses of water a day is enough. If your work involves lots of walking, you have to drink 8-10 glasses a day. If you work under the hot Sun, then 10-12 glasses of water are required.
The way you drink is also important. The correct way is to sip it little by little, to give your body cells time to absorb the water. If you drink the whole glass down at once, your cells can't absorb it all, and the water will be excreted as urine.
7. Eat according to your blood type.
Your blood type determines what you should eat. Eating the wrong foods will make you sick.
People with blood type O have to eat a certain amount of meat. If they eat only vegetables for a long time, their body won't absorb all the substances they need to strengthen their immune system. The recommended diet for this group is 75% vegetables, 10% fruits, 10% meat, seafood and goat's milk (avoid cow's milk), and 5% grains.
People with blood type A, however should avoid milk and meat, while increasing grains and fruits. People with blood type B should also avoid meat, while those with blood type AB should avoid chicken and beef.
8. Eat according to your biological clock.
Every human being has a biological clock that tells us when to eat, sleep, and wake up. If you don't follow your biological clock, the organs will lose their balance. Toxins and wastes won't be excreted from your body, and soon you'll get sick.
According to Dr Wu, the biological clock is divided into three phases.
From 4am to noon is the time for bowel movements, so in the morning you should eat foods with lots of fibre. Fruit and vegetable smoothies are recommended.
From noon to 8pm, your body will absorb food so lunch is the most important meal. A vegetable salad with grains is recommended. Fish or boiled eggs can be added to your lunch. Avoid meat at dinner as the amino acids in the meat will disturb your sleep. Try to finish dinner by 6pm.
From 8pm to 4am, the nutrients and energy from food will be distributed throughout your body organs. The golden time for your sleep is between 10pm and 2am, as your immune and self-healing system will function at its best.
1) 'Fifty Years of Dhamma Service'(The Universal Appeal of the Buddha Dhamma: A Personal Experience) by S.N. GOENKA
Published by 2003 by Vipassana Research Institute
ISBN 81-7414-256-8
2) The Art of Living – Vipassana Meditation – As Taught By S. N. GOENKA
By William Hart
Published by 1998 by Vipassana Research Institute
ISBN 81-7414-008-5
If you're interested in the teaching of Buddha or the practise of meditation, it would be relevant to read through these two books... It will draw you to the fundamental theory of Buddhism, an angle that we might think we have knew but it's never so absolute. Myself is impressed by the profound teaching of S. N. Goenka ...
Vipassana Research Institue
Vipassana Singapore
White Sugar Substitue - Sucanat

Further on the article I posted in deception-list.blogspot.com Thank to the author Jeremy Likness, I found the good alternative for white table sugar - that is SucanatTM which contains sugar cane molasses.
Where to get it?
Carrefour and Unity Pharmarcy(Tanglin Mall)
SucanatTM (SUgar CAne NATural) is sugar in its most natural form extracted from the sugar cane syrup. Sucanat in another word is DEHYDRATED cane juice;
Organic Sugar and other crystallized sugars are EVAPORATED cane juice.
Raw cane stalks are crushed in a series of large roller mills, which squeezes the juice from the cane. The collected juice is then cleaned (with slaked lime which settles any unwanted organic materials) and thickened into syrup. The sugar cane syrup is then poured into a vat and hand-paddled to add air. The paddling causes the hot, thick syrup to release heat and start to dry. As it dries, porous granules form which retain 100% of the cane's molasses, a source of iron, calcium, potassium, B vitamins and chromium. (Sucanat is about 13% molasses.)
Sucanat dissolves quickly and adds a lovely rich flavor to everything from baked goods to a cup of tea or coffee. Sprinkle a few granules on your tongue. Can you feel the soft texture? Notice how quickly it dissolves into just wonderful flavor.
Source: http://www.wholesomesweeteners.com/SucanatandSugar.html
It is said to be alkalizing in the body which is supposed to help keep your body disease free.
Sucanat™ is a trademark held by Ragus Holdings, Inc. Other companies certainly manufacture similar products, but they generally do not label them as “Sucanat™” to avoid a copyright infringement lawsuit. The fact that Sucanat™ is trademarked can make it easier for consumers to identify the real thing;
Rapadura™ is another product made using the same process.
::::::: Source
- Sugar itself doesn't harm teeth, but it gives "acid making" germs the energy to grow. Even tiny amounts of sugar help them multiply.
- The more germs, the more acids in your mouth
- After a year of eating a few grams of xylitol each day, harmful germs can be reduced by as much as 90%
- Xylitol also protects teeth from acids.
- What is Xylitol? Xylitol, also called birch or wood sugar, is a five-carbon sugar alcohol used as a sugar substitute, especially for diabetics. Xylitol is a naturally occurring sweetener found in the fibers of many fruits and vegetables. Xylitol is roughly as sweet as sucrose and has a nice fresh aftertaste which makes it perfect for mints, gum and desserts.
Quick Tips
drink less tea with milk
avoid toasted bread,
keep a distant from battery charging point,
drink more water in the day time and less in the evening,
take no more than 2 cups of coffee daily,
consume less oily food,
best to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 6am,
avoid heavy food about 5pm,
consume no more than 1 glass of wine daily,
taking medication half an hour before sleep and lie down immediately,
people sleep less than 8 hours might be more stupid
taking afternoon nap could slow down aging
do not use cell phone with low battery as the radiation is doubled,
answer a call from your cell phone on your left ear, right ear will harm your main brain directly,
Cell Phone: Threats Posed
‘Mobiles are the smoking of the 21st century; they need health warnings’
The FDA in American or the FCC requires cell phone manufacturers to ensure that their phones comply with these objective limits for safe exposure. Any cell phone at or below these SAR levels (that is, any phone legally sold in the U.S.) is a "safe" phone, as measured by these standards.
The FCC limit for public exposure from cellular telephones is an SAR level of 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg). Source: http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/sar/
A reference and update of cellphone radiation chart can be access at:
Exposure to radiation, shown as Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) levels, varies widely in different models. Manufacturers and the Government have ignored the Stewart report that urges they be clearly marked on phones and boxes. An easily accessible list of phones and radiation exposures is published in Germany, where low-radiation models, defined as having SAR of 0.6 or under, are encouraged.
Following link is a interesting research published on all findings about cell phones, it's worth reading.
Extracts from the following link:
The scientists who conducted the research say using a mobile for just an hour every working day during that period is enough to increase the risk – and that the global standard used to protect users from the radiation emitted is “not safe” and “needs to be revised”.
Answer a call at your cell phone on your LEFT ear.
Answering from the right ear could directly harm our main brain cells.
Avoid using the cell phone with low battery as the radiation transmitted during low battery was doubled.
Avoid speaking over the mobile phone while your phone is still charging.
Source: Anonymous - SMS
"It has been repeatedly shown that a few minutes exposure to cell phone type radiation can transform a 5% active cancer into a 95% active cancer for the duration of the exposure and for a short time afterwards." According to IOL, a study by group of independent Dutch scientists has revealed that frequent use of cellphones leads to slower brain activity. This is the same process occurring on Alzheimer's patients. However, the evidence is not yet conclusive.
Source: http://www.sarshield.com/news/linkedtocancer.html
README: Toxins-Free-Day!
Mankind has unconsciously or consciously set into a endanger zone - toxin in and out.
The truth of 'The Inconvenient Truth' by Al Gore is definitely very truth....
'why bother?'
'so what if you know?'
.... how sad to hear such comments especially from people you know.
This blog serve as a personal reading archives on articles I came across on well-being related issues; also to post those alternative healing remedies collected from all people around the world. After reading so much, finally this blog serve as a 'bookmark' to archives those information that i would like to recall for future references.
I am opening this blog for public access just to share what I have read and subjects I am concern as a consumer and beings on this planet. I have no intention to distort any information or make assumption.
I would welcome any input on any of the subjects that you might have a better knowledge to contribute.
Every beings in this planet has the rights to stay green, stay healthy....and stay happy.
For a better world, cheers! - von
Information posted could be controversial and source might not be liable.
This blog served as a personal reading archive.
Read for general reference only.