
Lecithin Benefits

It breaks up fats and cholesterol. It is excellent for a healthy heart. It is a rich source of gamma linoleic acid (GLA) and has the highest phosphatide concentratil available (98% or more). It helps the body utilize vitamins A, D, E, and K and is excellent for memory, concentration, and recall. It cleanses the liver and kidneys and helps the body absorbs nutrients. And to top it all off, it adds sprinkle to your salads, favorite drinks, nut butter, spreads or sauces. 

Yet, for all the wonderful benefits of lecithin, would you believe that it is actually nothing more than a byproduct of soybean processing? Byproduct, meaning it is little more than waste. So how come this purportedly “waste” product contains so many health benefits? What is the theory behind the benefits of lecithin?